
Android = Google Zombie? sign me up!

I've come to realize that one of the things I LOVE about the Android platform is the variety of good, free applications for it.

(another might be the inherent hack-ability)

I was wondering about a good client for posting blogs to Blogger a while back, and now...there's finally something worth talking about! AndroBlogger is a native app for Android that allows you to simply work on Blogger. sure, the web interface works, but on a cell phone? really?

simply put: it's got a nice clean interface that is easy to figure out and get using.

oh, and flash support on mobiles? neat, but Adobe was right: it sucks.


Mobile Blogging

I'm pretty impressed with the way that blogging tools have really developed in the last couple years.  It seems like only yesterday when Blogger was just a dump domain useful only for those who have neither time nor inclination to do "professional" blogging...but it's rapidly making great strides, yes?

Now, I'll be the first to admit that although I might like to be a professional blogger, I don't have any particular pull in that direction currently.  Meaning that although I might enjoy it, I really couldn't afford to try it as a career.

I'm sure you know what I mean.

Stick close, I'll be trying out Mobile Blogging in the future.


Just when I thought that the everyone I know is obsessed with American Idol, I find out that the merry pranksters at The Google have gone and created the funniest April Fools Day joke imaginable.

At least I think it's a joke.

You'd probably want to pull out your tinfoil hat, but the Singularity is a private obsession of mine. I'm not impressed with Armageddon-esque renderings of post-singularity civilization, such as Terminator, or The Matrix. Although interesting, I think they're diametrically opposed to my view. I don't think AI is going to try to kill all humans, I really don't think AI is even going to want to bother. Honestly, I think once a strong AI exists, it'll be mostly bored by humans.

..or it'll be amused by Pandas.

All your base are belong to CADIE. Long live CADIE.


Just a beginning

I'm going to be working on doing some blogging in the near future, with the ultimate goal of one day being able to leave my job and get paid...

Ok, you can all stop laughing now.

I get it, it's a difficult thing to be a paid blogger, rather a bit like being a paid author or working for a magazine...only more so, due to the incredible wealth of options available online.

I'd hope that I can offer something unique and valuable, but given that I already feed my head with such great blogs as Engadget, Techdirt, KurzweilAI, and Christopher Hitchens posts on Slate, I'm not sure how much more there really is to add.

Either way it's a work-in-progress, and it's entertaining for me.

(did you like the shout-outs?)