
Dying music industry

This Is What the Dying Music Industry Looks Like [Data Point]

Using this graph as the starting point for a conversation about the music industry; I'd just like to say:

You can see why they're mourning the death of physical discs. CD's might've been the most popular artistic medium ever.

There's no fixed distribution costs for digital media though and the cost to advertise a new artist is essentially zero as well. Why not use services like Pandora and Grooveshark as launch platforms for related artists? Hell, use geolocation services to sync up ad dollars with a tour in real-time. Nothing shady just stacking the deck in related markets for people who happen to match a demographic profile for your artist.

It's time to stop fighting a market that WANTS to consume your product but absolutely will not pay (much) (consistently) for it.


Angry Birds: Nokia & Microsoft

There's been a lot of chatter lately about two giant aging tech companies who are shortly forming a strategic alliance: Nokia & Microsoft. Who doesn't have a fond memory involving one or both of these icons of the near-past.

I've got fantastic memories of growing up on Microsoft Operating Systems; that moment of utter astonishment when Windows 95 booted up for the very first time and I gazed into the 32-bit future.

The Nokia candybar I had when I first discovered SMS; it was the AT&T model that couldn't change shells like its sister on Voicestream.  It was so tiny; and the battery used to run for DAAAAAYS.  But all it did was literally make calls and send SMS. Probably not even multi-part SMS. You know, I'm not even sure if sending SMS between carriers was 100% supported. I seem to remember a lot of missed texts.


The early attempts at smartphone ownership that followed. When I bravely endured Windows Mobile; learning the dark, black stain that is bloatware. Learning the joy that is a painstakingly assembled Windows Mobile ROM. (More like assembling puzzle pieces from different jigsaws that are mostly compatible.) {AT&T Tilt, HTC Touch Diamond}

I think there are a lot of people in the world who don't really care about the specifics of how their smartphone does things. They're perfectly content to just let it do its thing and let it go at that. Which is fine. I just think there's something elegant about a well designed operating system. Especially in mobile, where the device is with you 24/7...it becomes a more literal sort of Personal Digital Assistant than the devices of < a decade ago bearing the same name.

I've never used a Symbian or Meego smartphone, but I hear good things about Meego and Windows Phone 7. I can't help but think that possibly, just *maybe* they're on to something...maybe a really, REALLY GOOD *something*.

A brand-new, revitalized Windows Mobile OS with plenty of room for curated innovation (vertically integrated of course) running atop gorgeous, european inspired hardware. It might be a beautiful partnership!

It also might be Sony Ericsson...time will tell.


Whither to sell out?

Hot damn, there's a lot of options to sell out once you've opened a blog here.  I don't remember there being so many back-in-the-day...(which was a Wednesday)...but damn, there's a lot to know and do and figure out.  Man, I'm a geek, not a marketer!

I think I might need an agent.  Maybe you weren't aware of this, but I'm kind of a big deal.


Holy crap! Its a blogger app!

I have to say that the new android app for blogger is set up extremely well! It provides quick access to all the most used features.

Access to the camera.
Location data.
Gallery posting directly to picasa.

I've been super impressed with every Google branded app that they've released so far...and this one is no exception.

<3 the Google.